green path

About the Navajo tribe and the datura plant:
In medicinal or ritual applications, Datura was and is a double-edged sword. The seeds and root contain the most alkaloids, but the whole plant is loaded with toxic compounds. Shamans,...
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- Tags: אתנובוטניקה, דטורה, מאגיה, נתיב הרעל, צמחי רעל, רוחות הצמחים

Datura stories among the Zuni tribe
Among the natives of the Zuni tribe - Pueblo, New Mexico (USA) - the plant Datura Inoxia is used in certain shamanic rituals, and is called by their name Angelkia...
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- Tags: אתנובוטניקה, נתיב הרעל, צמחי רעל, רוחות הצמחים

On the botanical sect of Mimosa hostilis
In a dizzying time of change, belief systems play a central role in establishing structures of meaning. They allow individuals to attribute meaning to existence and to be part of...

The pharmacognosy of Mimosa hostilis
What is pharmacognosy? Pharmacognosy is a fancy word, coined by the German botanist Seidler, to describe the study of chemical compounds that can be derived from natural sources. He focuses...

Atropa belladonna - the twilight of sleep and deadly nightshade
Belladonna is many things: A deadly poison, a powerful medicine, a plot device in ancient and modern literature and the ultimate witch's herb. It is so beloved of the devil...

T. Iboga and other plants from the family - Part B
The iboga plant and its orange fruits

The Bevite religion and the plant Tavernaea Iboga-Part I
Ethnobotany from Africa
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- Tags: אפריקה, אתנובוטניקה, פולחן

Modern and non-traditional use of acacia trees
(acacia spp.)
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- Tags: אקציה, אתנובוטניקה, עצי שיטה, פארמקולוגיה

The screaming mandrake
The screaming aunt . Belonging to the nightshade family and found in the Mediterranean region, Mandrake has been known for centuries as one of the most powerful and active of...