green path — פולחן

Momoy: Queen of Ghosts
As we all know, Datura comes from a family known for its hallucinatory and powerful properties and can be dangerous to those unaware of its power. Let's go on a...

The Bevite religion and the plant Tavernaea Iboga-Part I
Ethnobotany from Africa
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- Tags: אפריקה, אתנובוטניקה, פולחן

The Strange Case of TEONANACATL
History of Old World usage Teonanacatl The flesh of the gods in Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs Historians from the 16th century reported how the flesh of the gods...
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- Tags: אתנובוטניקה, מיתולוגיה אצטקית, פולחן, פטריות הזיה