Blue lotus flowers - Nymphaea caerulea

  • 50.00 NIS
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Because of the mythological, symbolic and artistic significance of the water lily, scholars have suggested that the ancient Egyptians used the blue lotus for its narcotic effects to produce shamanic ecstasy among elite priestly cults.

The blue lotus is often shown in combination with a medicinal duda and poppy flowers. It is very likely that these images represent an iconographic recipe. A ritual drink consisting of lotus buds, duda root and poppy capsules can be imagined
User manual
.The blue lotus is consumed through brewing, wine or smoking
For an infusion - soak a flower or two in hot water for fifteen minutes
As part of a smoking/infusion mix, start with an amount of 5 grams (about two large flowers) The blue lotus is relaxing, addictive and delicious
For wine, soak about 15 grams in the wine of your choice, add spices as you see fit, mix the bottle once a day and filter through a cloth after one to three weeks