It's no secret that the tropical jungles of South America and Africa are home to thousands of therapeutic and psychoactive plant species.
Today we will discuss the Herdophis family, in this family there are more than 4,600 known plant species.
In this massive family there are three closely related species, all in the form of trees or small shrubs and all possessing the psychoactive properties of an indole alkaloid (some would argue a tryptamine) called ibogaine.
These species are:
1. Tabernathe iboga
2. Vocanga africana
3. Tabernae-montana undulata
It seems that all plants containing ibogaine have different properties and were adopted in different ways by several cultures.
Composition, concentration and traditional use of the ibogaine plant:
1. Tavernea iboga - a small shrub with yellow-orange fruits distributed in the tropical forests of the Congo Basin, Africa.
The plant contains most of its alkaloids in the root bark, with 80% of its composition being ibogaine and 20% of iboga alkaloids (ibogamin, noraibogaine, wokangin).
-The user scrapes the root bark and dries it into a powder, which can be swallowed or brewed into tea.
The dose of this plant depends entirely on the user and the type of experience he is looking for.
(For more information about this plant and its traditional use, go to the previous post).
2. Wukanga Africana - a small tree with long leaves and white flowers, native to the tropical and subtropical forests of West Africa. The uses of Wokanga range from stimulant-aphrodisiac-hallucinogenic-toxic.
This plant is used as a treatment for leprosy, diarrhea and convulsions in children.
Native tribes have even used the root bark in low doses for hunting, as it gives them high energy and concentration.
Chemical compound:
7.2% Wakamin - cardiotonic stimulant (supports blood pressure and heart functions)
5.6% wakengin-psychoactive agent.
4% wacristine, 3.7% wacarine, 3.5% tabransonine, 1.6% vabacin, 0.4% ibogaine.
- From the general alkaloid mixture:
5-10% in the root bark (the so-called root epidermis).
4-5% in the trunk and branches.
1.5% in seeds and 0.30-0.45% in leaves.
3. Tavernamontana Andolata - also known as Bachata or Sananga.
Can grow to a height of 10 meters. The plant itself was used both for food and medicine.
It can be found growing in different regions such as Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica and Trinidad.
The Huin Kuin and Yawanawa tribes (natives of Peru and Brazil) use this plant as eye drops, through aqueous extraction from the root bark and trunk, in order to improve their luck, vision and concentration when hunting.
The Tikuna tribe mixes the latex the plant produces with water from the Great River for wounds and eye ailments.
In Peru - in the upper part of the Amazon, the plant has been considered a miracle cure for a long time, the name Sanango symbolizes a male plant that cures more or less everything.
Chemical compound:
Ibogamine, coronaridine, wocangin, heinenine, 3-hydroxycoronaridine.
Very little research exists or dosage recommendations for this plant, but it has been traditionally used by indigenous tribes in Peru and Brazil.
-The Matis tribe- an active indigenous group from western Brazil, prepares the bark of the endolete root in liquid form and drips into the eye to give the environment a deeper texture and dimension to locate animals while hunting. These optical phenomena can last for days or weeks.
At low doses, like all iboga plants, bachata acts as a stimulant.
- The Matses tribe, another Amozani tribe, uses a similar method but they also consume high doses in the decoction to contain visionary hallucinations.
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••The current wave of interest in the psychoactive effects of ibogaine and its plant inhabitants, focused mainly on the therapeutic uses for addiction and psychotherapy.
MAPS, the multidisciplinary Society for Psychedelic Studies, completed two observational studies on the long-term effects of ibogaine treatment as an addiction treatment.
••It seems we missed something important!
Excellent infusion for detoxification and treatment of autoimmune diseases.
The cleansing process removes parasites, aluminum and mercury from the muscles and blood, kills candida, viruses and other microorganisms (for the covid 19 patients here

Ibogaine has been shown to put hepatitis C (a viral hepatitis that causes inflammation of the liver) into remission.
Another advantage is that iboga contains a substance that has been proven to significantly reduce body viruses, including AIDS.
Belonging to root medicine, iboga works directly at our root as human beings to heal and work on a wide range of physical or bodily traumas.
The plant spirit is about going deep within to access our infinite soul nature