Saturnalia - the winter solstice - the evil aspect of Saturn - part I
Posted by entheogenic paths on
In magical use there is a state of mental zero or emptiness, although they are paradoxical by their very embodiment as concepts, they are often the goal of specific magical practices
usually fall within the boundaries of asceticism. They are often more of an obsession or distraction than an actual emptiness. Such psychotic states are achieved through ritual techniques that break the perception and awareness of their basic elements
A blank mind state can be used for perceptual stratification so that its center is receptive, while its periphery is protective - the very definition of the magic circle
If successful, the resulting situation provides the most neutral media for impressions during our wizardry
When examining the 'ground' that we created through magic, analogies to the artist's art are appropriate here - one can, through mental pressure, strive to express the ecstasy and strangeness experienced by the painter through first looking at the empty canvas, a situation similar to that of the dyad of the Virgin and her first partner, looking at each other for the first time with passion mutually
In the paths of poison we often find ourselves talking about primacy
The initial sting or bite of a poisonous animal, the first side effect from a prescription drug, a virgin experience of general anesthesia or the first visual appearance arising from a hallucinogenic substance
Such primal consciousness can also be applied through astral poison: heartbreak, betrayal, emotional violence or a nightmare.
Any situation can be regarded as an 'initiation' in the technical sense, because they all contain an element of initiation, and contain within them special powers at the hands of the monadic master of all initiations
If you look at it from the educational point of view, every virgin experience contains a new pattern of learning and even intensifies the experience through the optimization of the state of not knowing
The value of such an esoteric channel is multifaceted...but let's not forget that the witches' grandmother's craft is marked by blinding sexism and high witchcraft
In some circles, there is the concept of the 'grandmother's virgin', an area of enchanted experience and activity where every magical interaction with the other is enchanted in a mesmerizing way, over and over again. It is important to note that this station requires the virtues of sharp discernment, self-judgment, humility and the willingness to admit a mistake. And so this is the conscious embodiment of delving into the void in the hands of the witch who is preparing for countless marriages with the Force, an embodied practice that, according to the author Daniel Shulk, is called - the cultivation of the eternal neophyte (apprentice)
Even in the field of spiritual teaching that is claimed to be independent of the body and is carried out as a magical act, nothing is permanent, and the true teacher never stops learning. Thus the teacher may adopt the position of
and continue as if every situation is completely new to him, or on the basis that he or she may be challenged externally, a basis in which they are proven wrong, or reformed in the name of the initiation workshop
[Forge of Initiation]
This is a critical aspect of the sorcerer's art of the Crooked Path, and brings to mind the circular twisting between roles, such as that of slave and master, essential to ancient festivals such as the Saturnalia. And yet the virgin's parameters change all the time, are subject to a great many perceptions, and most importantly, they are hers. Although she may not have fully understood the sexual act with a fleshy companion, she is certainly aware of her desire to do so, and of the waves of attraction, arousal and physical compulsion, all of which constitute strong reserves of mental power
The touch of her hand will be well known to her, and therefore the force that educates the love of the first divinity arises in the cumulative and primitive prefiguration of a body of sensory-fantasy knowledge, the difference in this completion, is in the presence of the other
This body of self-knowledge, of combining limited experience and extensive imagination, is every bit as important as any relationship that will follow
While clinically the starting point of intercourse marks a technical and spiritual edge for the individual, it is nevertheless part of an erotic-magical continuum for the Gifted-Virgo.
All this refers to a perceptual idea of prejudice (prefiguration) as a 'contaminant' to the experience of pure magic. As for the study of magical poisons, the position of the virgin who is beyond all limitations of the self is actually determined by factors such as personal temperament, devotion and embodied presence
The ability to cling with ferocious passion, and detach just as easily, is also of utmost importance. Here we are not advocating wise avoidance based on fear or morality, but a holistic recognition that any encounter with the unknown may be a source of great strength for a witch skilled in the occult arts. We must offer ourselves to the magical experience as if it were our sanctified canopy, a walk sanctified entirely by love, honor and passion - the symbol of the sacrifice, whose life blood nourishes not only the ancient gods, but also his present self-incarnation.
The birthday of the unconquerable sun,
The transition from chaos to cosmos,
The suspension of time and the death of the old year and the birth of the new: Saturnalia
There are at least 23 holidays that are celebrated between November and December all over the world. And that's without counting the older holidays that may have already been forgotten. This is an impressive amount that shows how much the days of the solstice and the sun have affected the entire world.
The dead return during the 12 chaotic nights of Saturnalia which symbolize the pattern of the following months of the year.
Transgenderism is a characteristic of a chaotic time in Saturnalia or orgy carnivals and symbolizes a form of return to chaos.
Babylon held twelve days of battle between Chaos and Cosmos. In Christianity these are the twelve days of Christmas.
In the Roman Empire, the Saturnalia was a seasonal celebration from December 17 to 22, before the 'birthday of the unconquerable sun' on December 23.
( Dies Natalis\Solis Invicti )
No ancient record really gives full accounts of these celebrations from beginning to end. The references to them are numerous and their influence continued long after they were abandoned from the official calendar.
The more prominent feature of the Saturnalia was ritual liberation and social inversion: the masters were forced to serve lavish feasts to their slaves, and during the festivities private property was exposed in public and the ranks of all people were devoid of social status
Clay or wax figurines were offered as common gifts, forbidden games such as gambling or playing dice were allowed even for slaves and madmen. The normal social identity was hidden behind masks and role plays
The temporary assumption of alternate identities was an essential part of the reversal of status during the celebration
Our modern interpretation of Saturnalia (silence, limitation, reduction, death, withdrawal, essence, structure, meaning) comes to the fore in these wild celebrations as we strive to understand what Saturnalia meant to people who were in positions of social power
They lost their status as lords, their only access to their castles, their private property, and all their privileges and powers.
Taking control of all things freely is great fun - unless they were already yours... in that case Saturnalia does not hold the promise that you will win something, but the promise of losing everything
Here we come across a vital mechanism where virtues, skills and magical powers are taught to humans. The organizers of the Saturnalia picked up on this pattern of magical learning - and thus weaved it into a social-public framework
The basic pattern remains intact and deeply connected to the astronomical powers of Saturn: learning in the sorcerer's field always happens the hard and long way
That is, new skills or virtues are best trained through the experience of their extreme absence
Thus, for the powerful, Saturnalia was a painful lesson in what it really means to hold power - through the experience of its (temporary, ritually regulated) absence.
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