On the pro-myth of creation and the roots of evil

Posted by entheogenic paths on

You must be asking yourself how this relates to the poison lane...and I'm asking myself how the hell am I supposed to start an article about witches herbs and folktales after a while?
Being a discussion and not an archetypal legend, it is problematic to begin with the eternal words 'once upon a time' or 'was once', but nevertheless this subject must be approached somehow.
Perhaps it should be done similarly to the fairy tales themselves, obliquely, sideways, in the form of a literary craft...
So let's get going
Stories are the way we deal with a case.
Stories are a sign that we cannot handle a case.
We find it intolerable that things just happen, for better or worse, without rhyme or reason, solution or treatment. When things are out of our control.
And so...we look for patterns in the stars, correspondences in cards and fortune in Chinese fortune cookies after dinner.
Or in an equally magical way of thinking, we turn to stories, plots and narratives when we face the complex reality.
The creation story is a symbolic narrative of the beginning of the world and how people came to inhabit it for the first time.
The popular use of the term myth often refers to false or imaginary stories,
But in the social culture in which it is told, the creation myth (for example) is often considered to convey deep truths - metaphorical, symbolic, historical or literal.
They are usually considered cosmogonic myths - they describe the order of
The cosmos is in a state of chaos or amorphism.
Creation myths sometimes share several features.
· They are often considered the personal electric bill of holy and martyred artists and can be found in almost all known religious traditions.
· All are stories with a plot and characters of beings, human forms or animals with a luminous voice that undergo metamorphosis.
· Myths often take place in a vague and non-specific past, as the religious historian Mircea Eliada called illo tempore ('at that time').
Creation myths develop in oral traditions and therefore have multiple versions found throughout human culture. They are the most explosive form of myth.
The story of the Gnostic creation myth begins like this:
It all started with one, alone a terrible king.
There was nothing but him, and he was everything, but - lonely.
It is called the 'monad', the one, it has been since time immemorial, and it always was and will be completely abstract and transcendent..
From it, as a result of the initial division or thought, was born the second entity - Pronoia - which is the prior knowledge or - Ennoia - thought. She is also called Barbelo .
After her, Autogenes was born - which means 'created-from-itself'.
And after him the dozen Aeons were born - the Aeons are eternal beings.
They are in the Pleroma, which is a heavenly firmament teeming with beings.
So far everything has gone well. But soon comes the classic break.
The female entity called 'Sophia Pistis' - our faithful count of wisdom, sinned when she thought she could create without a partner and without the permission of the Monad.
She conceived, but she also miscarried.
The fetus, the fallen, is called by many names:
Chaos, Sakhala (fool in Aramaic), Samal and especially Yildabaot.
He is sometimes depicted as a dragon with the head of a lion, and was a demiurge - a demigod or low god or the devil himself. He was created through the self-fertilization of his mother Sophia and this somewhat makes him the creator of the world.
Yildabaot is probably a combination of the words "child" and "armies", which is of course the name of the biblical god.
According to the Gnostics, the biblical God, the creator of the world, is not good, but evil, because only an evil God could have created a world full of so much suffering. After creating the world, he declared: "I am a jealous god - there is no other besides me!". Total nonsense of course, taken out of context under the auspices of the Gnostics.
Breaking myths of human nature is not like breaking the myth of a tooth left in a Coke bottle for a week and rotting (it won't). Or that humans use 10% of their brain [of course much more].
- Most false beliefs can be clearly disproved through a single, usually simple test. But there will not be one test, not even a few simple tests that can destroy any part of the myths about race, aggression or sex even though we can still see that they are wrong...
Breaking myths about human nature requires a little more effort.
It means breaking the stranglehold of simplicity in our view of what is natural and forcing ourselves to understand that being human is very complicated.
This means challenging common sense and our reliance on generalities and popular perception, and actually delving into the grim details of what we know humans actually do.
It turns out that in order to be able to break these myths we need to have a common basic platform of understanding.
A starting point of knowledge from which to deal with the myths themselves.
This starting point includes what we mean by "myth" and "human nature" and why these two things are important in our society. It also includes what culture, evolution and genes are and how it can affect us all.
Fuck it, let's go back to the Gnostic story for a moment.
Yildabaot created for himself archons, rulers who would rule under him, and their names were (probably the explicit name), Eloiyo ( perhaps 'God') Lord and Armies . He also created 365 bad angels apparently against the 365 commandments of do not.
Yaldabaot and the archons under him created the first man, Adam Kadmon.
They did this with the help of a reflection of the pleroma, meaning that man is an isomorphic model of the upper world. But the man remained lifeless, and could not stand on his feet.
Sophia comes to the rescue, and allows a divine spark (a true spark, from the Supreme God) to descend and enter a person - that is, God breathes a spirit of life into him.
But in doing so, Sophia actually deceives the children and the archons, because in doing so she makes Adam superior to them, since they do not have a spark of divinity within them. - The monad did not participate in their creation, and they fall.
That is why they now seek to imprison Adam in a locked garden (heaven), and rob him of the divine spark in him.
Sofia intervenes again and tries to save the situation.
She sends her daughter, Zoe , in Greek 'chaim', meaning she is the equivalent of Eve our mother.
Zoe penetrates the snake in the garden and gives it wisdom - the snake will later give good and entheogenic advice to man.
Zoe also enters the earthly Eve, that is, a flesh and blood creature found together with Adam in the garden. When Adam mates with the earthly Eve, he gives birth to Norea and Seth, both of whom give birth to the Gnostic lineage (the Gnostics believe that they are special human beings, children of light, with a divine spark).
But then Zoe leaves the earthly Eve, and the earthly Eve is impregnated by the archons and thus Cain is born, from whom the people without the divine spark are born - that is, the children of darkness.
Humanity begins its journey.
Immediately at its beginning, the 365 angels mate with the wives of ordinary humans, the sons of darkness. These angels also give mankind evil Torah, sorcerers and ways to uproot.
This is how an evil, ignorant and powerful humanity is created for her, and nearby, a small group of wise and oppressed sons of light.
The Gnostic End.
One of the ironies of this mythical history is that Jehovah himself is guilty of self-worship.
The first and the last :
In the book of Isaiah , chapter 34, verse 6, it is said: "Thus says the Lord, the king of Israel and his redeemer, the Lord of hosts: I am the first and I am the last, and apart from me there is no God."
And in chapter 8, verse 12 of the same book, God returns and states again: "I
First, I am also last" (v. 12).
There is no doubt that this attribute is exclusive to the Jewish deity: He is the beginning and He is the end.
He is the first and he is the last - from now on and forever, as it is written in the book of Daniel 6: "He is God, who lives and exists forever, whose kingdom will not end and whose rule will be until the end of time" (verse 27).
In the Gnostic sources, this declaration becomes the mantra of the foolish creator, Yildavath.
In the cover photo:

Divine Sophia as a Tree of Learning and source of the Elixir of Life

Pretiosa Margarita novella – by Janus Lacinius, 1577-1583

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