The case of Yosef Della Reina:

פורסם ע"י entheogenic paths בתאריך


The case of Yosef Della Reina:
Yosef Della Reina became famous for his actions,
the main point of which is that he tried to bring the end of the exile by killing Samael, the figure of Satan in Judaism, thus bringing about redemption. After a series of fasts and purifications, Della Reina and his disciples swore to Elijah the prophet in order to ask him to learn how to overcome a king.
Della Reina did not listen to his warnings, and to the warnings of the angels who warned him that there is an actual danger in doing so since he is not yet at the degree of holiness and purity sufficient to deal with him. After many pleas, the prophet Elijah gave in his hand the combination of the holy names with the help of which he could recruit angels to help him in his struggle.
 In the end, Della Reina and his disciples went up Mount Sha'ir, and managed to catch Samael, who appeared to him in the form of a dog, and chained him and his wife Lilith. That dog begged him to let him eat, but he refused. Finally, he asked him to give him at least a pinch of frankincense that he had in his hand to smell, and della reina, tempted, brought it to him. it was considered as incense for idolatry, and thus, Samael was able to overcome him. [do you recalls the scenario from Book of Tobit? Good! that’s another book, related with another king-djin name Ashmedai \ aesmah deva].
In the name of Moses Sofer, it is stated that the reason for Rabbi Yosef's failure was a prideful reflection that arose in his heart, that he could redeem the whole world. It is also mentioned in his name in connection with this story, that the one who does not believe in the story is not an heretic, and the one who believes in it is not gullible.
According to the legend, the dangerous journey ended with the "soul blossoming" of two of Della Reina's students, and two others fled back to tzfat, where they went mad and died.
Regarding the end of Della Reina, the opinions are divided, some say he died as a Jew and some say he converted to Islam. Others say that he married a Lilith, or that he lost his mind.
It is said about the Ari that he once met a black dog who identified himself as Yosef Della Reina, who begged him to pass him a tikkun.
Shaarei Kedusha- Hayyim Vital
Nocturnal Kabbalist By Moshe Idel

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